

Earn Money Blogging – Earn Money Online Without Investment

Earn Money Blogging Guide. You can earn money with blogging in your par time.Blogging is very easy method to earn money online. Blog is a personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis.

Anyone can create blog without any investment. There are two major free blogging platforms available.



Blogger is from Google inc and wordpress is from Automatic.
You can easily create an account with blogger or wordpress in less than 10 minutes. After creating an account you have to create your blog address. For example if you create blog in blogger, it ll look like and in wordpress this ll look like yourname. . You can put anything in yourname. I prefer blogger because this is very easy to create and easy to optimize for Google search engine traffic.
After creating blog, you have to write or update in your blog regularly. You can post anything you like in your blog.
I have many blog related to pets, technology, mobile phones, video games etc.
Once you set up a blog you can apply for affiliate networks to put advertisements on your blog. You have to put only advertisements related to your blog topic. For example if you have blog about mobile phones then you have to put advertisements related to mobile phones.
After completing your blog setup and put advertisements you have to ping your blog to search engines and submit your blog to Google webmaster tools and bing webmaster tools.
Update your blog daily to achieve more website traffic. More traffic means more earnings.


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